
Showing posts from December, 2011

Church Anniversary 2011

Here is the video from the 9th anniversary of our church in case you didn't see it on facebook...see if you can point out our Joe didn't want to participate because he didn't want to wear something that looked like a dress...hahaha

The Spiritual Epiphany

First of all I want to say a great big huge, "THANK YOU" to Andrea Moede. Andrea and Preston used to go to school together and she has been such a blessing in our lives. She was able to pull family and friends together to donate for us to get this much needed computer. Now I'm able to blog again and, more importantly, to have resources for the kids and their schooling. So today I was looking at one of my go to homeschool blogs, Confessions of a Homeschooler and came across 10 Days of Homeschooling Enrichment . I thought to myself "this may help add some structure or something to what I'm doing right now" so I went to day 1 I filled out "Our Vision for Homeschooling" question #5 asked this...and these were my answers: "5. What do I want my child to be like; what is the goal of our parenting when they leave this home? a. Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.” When your child has grown to...