The Spiritual Epiphany

First of all I want to say a great big huge, "THANK YOU" to Andrea Moede. Andrea and Preston used to go to school together and she has been such a blessing in our lives. She was able to pull family and friends together to donate for us to get this much needed computer. Now I'm able to blog again and, more importantly, to have resources for the kids and their schooling. So today I was looking at one of my go to homeschool blogs, Confessions of a Homeschooler and came across 10 Days of Homeschooling Enrichment. I thought to myself "this may help add some structure or something to what I'm doing right now" so I went to day 1 I filled out "Our Vision for Homeschooling" question #5 asked this...and these were my answers:
"5. What do I want my child to be like; what is the goal of our parenting when they leave this home? a. Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.” When your child has grown to maturity, what do you desire to see as fruit in their lives?"
"b. Mentally (in wisdom):" I want them to have wisdom beyond their years. I want them to know Jesus Christ and the heart of the man who walked this earth and died for our sins. I want them to not only be mentally sound, but to be able to show and guide others by the wisdom they have.
"c. Physically (in stature):" Physically I want them to aim to achieve higher goals than ever possible. To be happy with their appearance, healthy, care for their body, cleanliness. I want them to take pride in who they are, yet be humble enough to still hear from and be guided by the Father.
"d. Spiritually (in favor with God):" Spiritually I want them to have favor with God. To know His voice and recognize His calling on their life when they are being called. To never be afraid of doing what the Father has called them to but to walk in confidence fulfilling the life He has made for them. I want them to know that however big or small the decision He is right there with them, making it with them. Seeking the Father in the many life changing decisions they will make, and following Him even when they don’t understand why things are happening the way they are.
"e. Socially (in favor with men):" Socially I not only want but also expect our children to show the love and grace that has been shown to them. That they except other people and cultures and not get stuck or caught up in the religion of it all. That they remember that we are followers of Christ himself and judgment and criticism have no place here. That God can use a man, no matter where he is in life, and to remember that when they want to throw a stone. To remember that our mouths can be a tool or a weapon, and what is meant for good can also destroy. To not walk in rejection but in the Glory of the Father who has made them, cared for them and trusted them with much responsibility.
This helped me so much in realizing the kind of children I want to spiritually raise and the expectations I have for them. It just makes it more of a reality when it's put on paper (or computer) that one day these little rugrats will be adults, all grown up and living the life God has called them to. Now I have a base of what I want our homeschooling to look like...this was so helpful to me.


  1. This is a great exercise for all Parents and Grandparents to do, reading it over, it certainly helped me to have scriptures that define the desire I have for my children s future,Thanks for posting.

  2. Thanks so much for linking back so I could see your comments, I'm so glad you were blessed by this :o)

  3. (Just now reading through your blog!) I also remember writing a mission statement when we first started homeschooling. Helped so much to have an idea of what I wanted to accomplish with the whole "grand experiment", as I called it then. All these years later, it's awesome to look back and see how those guiding ideas have come to fruition.


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