Everything Month

Hey guys sorry it's been so long. I can't believe it's been over a month since the last post. A lot has happened since then... First of all, the church plant is going well. Everybody has been so supportive and we have been learning a lot along the way too. I have this freakish understanding of why my dad pastors the way he does, and have wanted to call and apologize for not being a better leader at least 10 times, so far. We are working out the kinks and falling into a rhythm. Preston does worship in English/Spanish. Preston also preaches in English and one of the English students, Franklin, translates. We have some regular attenders and some visitors. Here are some pictures from the first Sunday Second, Sarah and Samuel Burns from Boise and Keyla and Nathan Crevier from Louisiana are officially here in their new home in Las Palmas. I'm so excited about this! I have already set up our first game night, which will be Friday. This we...