Everything Month
Hey guys sorry it's been so long. I can't believe it's been over a month since the last post. A lot has happened since then...
First of all, the church plant is going well. Everybody has been so supportive and we have been learning a lot along the way too. I have this freakish understanding of why my dad pastors the way he does, and have wanted to call and apologize for not being a better leader at least 10 times, so far. We are working out the kinks and falling into a rhythm. Preston does worship in English/Spanish. Preston also preaches in English and one of the English students, Franklin, translates. We have some regular attenders and some visitors.
Here are some pictures from the first Sunday
Second, Sarah and Samuel Burns from Boise and Keyla and Nathan Crevier from Louisiana are officially here in their new home in Las Palmas. I'm so excited about this! I have already set up our first game night, which will be Friday. This weekend was a great time of getting to know them and just having some girl time while Preston played with the kids in the pool. I can't remember the last time I had a conversation like that. I got to hear their stories and share a little (or a lot) of my own. We already liked Isaiah House and the vision Tri had, but now we love it even more :) We also LOVED that Nathan Crevier was able to stay for church and Keyla made us all mango smoothies when we showed up last Sunday. After church the six of us hung out and ate dinner together...we really felt so supported and are really looking forward to spending more time with these fine folks.
Third, I know that if we are friends on facebook you must have a lot of questions right now. Everybody meet Katherine and Dylan.
Katherine is 20 years old and her son Dylan is 6 months. When Katherine was little her family moved from Nicaragua to Costa Rica to be with her sister. Her parents never got her her papers in Costa Rica so she was there illegally. Katherine is a single mom who lives with our friends DeLynn and Gloria and their daughter Carmelinda in Costa Rica. They have been like a second set of parents and sister to her. After Katherine had Dylan she needed a job, but couldn't get one in Costa Rica because she was illegal. Gloria contacted us and told us the situation and asked if we would be willing to let Katherine stay here while getting her papers to become legal in Costa Rica. We absolutely love Katherine, so of coarse we said yes. She came here on February 9, 2013 and has been living with us. The first week was a whirlwind because she had so much to do. She went to the office to get her cedula (i.d.) but since it was the first time she had ever gone for that in Nicaragua it takes longer to receive. They set her date to pick up her cedula in 4 months from the day she went. Then she has to travel back to the office, which is about a day away to "check" and see if they have it yet. This is Nicaragua so I'm thinking they won't have it the first time she checks. The past two months she has had $50 coming from Costa Rica but it isn't really even covering the cost of diapers and formula. $20-$40 of that is from a supporter that DeLynn and Gloria know and the rest has been from her family. She was going to try to get a job here, but she can't work without her cedula, so she's in a predicament. On top of all of that all of her family lives in Costa Rica, so she misses them tremendously. This has been a very stressful situation for her and is causing her to be sick. She has lost a lot of weight since she has been here :( We pray for Katherine and this situation every day and are asking if you could also lift her up in prayer.
Our heart is that we can introduce people to Nicaragua and that they share our heart for the people here. That as people feel inclined to help, we are able to point them in the right direction. We would ask that if at any time you feel the desire to want to help, but might not know how, please let us know.

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