A Nicaraguan Christmas

This is the same post from our missionary blog at . If you've already read that, you don't have to also read this post. Thank you to all of you who keep up with us via our blogs. Okay, so here's what's been going on around our household for the past couple weeks...First of all the mother board went out on our computer so I'm not able to upload any pics at the moment. Our pastor let us borrow a computer, but it also hasn't worked since we brought it home :( Computers here seem to be very expensive and we can't really afford one right now, but trying to homeschool our children without internet, when all the programs we use are online, is really setting us back and frustrating me. Nevertheless, God has always provided for us so if we have to do school into the summer, then that's just what we're going to have to do. Right now in Nicaragua the Christmas season has officially started. It's quite weird to go into the mall in October and hear Christmas music playing and see the Christmas tree going up complete with an area for Santa. We've discovered that things are done a little different here when it comes to Christmas, so here's to a season of all sorts of new and exciting tradition! December 24th is really the day of celebration here. So, everybody gets new clothes for Christmas Eve and wears their new outfit all day. They spend time with family and have time together all day. At midnight the kids open their presents and dinner is served...yes I did say MIDNIGHT! Also at midnight fireworks/bombs go off...kinda' like New Years. We already let the kids know, to make it all the way around the world in one night, Santa brings presents a day early here in Nicaragua...they seem to be ok with that. Then at around 3 am we head off to the beach to spend Christmas day. We've been invited to go to the beach and join in this tradition, so Christmas is going to be much different this year, but we're excited about it. Christmas is more about family here, and a lot less about presents...from what we understand at this point, so we've been preparing the kiddos for the shock of Christmas morning having about 2 gifts each under the tree...plus we are working with sponsorships here, so I think that is sufficient. Also, they each brought 1 toy when we moved here, so anything other than a cardboard box, at this point, I think they would be happy with. Although we have gotten a lot of great use out of that cardboard box and suitcases...we've got three incredible imaginations here.


  1. so weird... thanksgiving/christmas in another country. i hear ya. but the little way you celebrate it, in this new way, will be good memories forever when you get to the other side of it. so as different as it feels, and as many things that seem to be missing, don't forget to enjoy the moment... the funny way of life, the quaintness, the christmasness that you do have. it is all worthwhile. :)

    extra grace to you guys in this holiday season!

    and love from texas!



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