Well the past 3 days have been pretty exciting as a teacher. I think I'm falling into the roll. I have to say, "I think", because my boys are constantly remining me how their "real" teachers did things...or "Mrs. Hiracheta says that" or "Mrs. Witt has that"...conversations often go like this, "Mom you know what my teacher said?" I say, "Yes, because I'm your teacher". "No, my real teacher at Sam Houston Elementary." I love that my children had such great teachers...I wonder if they will EVER think of me as one. My saving grace is Caroline...when she asks, "Mommy, have I ever been to school?" I answer, "Of coarse, you're in it right now." She gets all happy and excited about me being her teacher, and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Speaking of teaching I want to give a great big huge "Thank You" to Carisa from 1+1+1=1 and to my bestie Shayla (it helps that she's ...