
Showing posts from 2011

Church Anniversary 2011

Here is the video from the 9th anniversary of our church in case you didn't see it on facebook...see if you can point out our Joe didn't want to participate because he didn't want to wear something that looked like a dress...hahaha

The Spiritual Epiphany

First of all I want to say a great big huge, "THANK YOU" to Andrea Moede. Andrea and Preston used to go to school together and she has been such a blessing in our lives. She was able to pull family and friends together to donate for us to get this much needed computer. Now I'm able to blog again and, more importantly, to have resources for the kids and their schooling. So today I was looking at one of my go to homeschool blogs, Confessions of a Homeschooler and came across 10 Days of Homeschooling Enrichment . I thought to myself "this may help add some structure or something to what I'm doing right now" so I went to day 1 I filled out "Our Vision for Homeschooling" question #5 asked this...and these were my answers: "5. What do I want my child to be like; what is the goal of our parenting when they leave this home? a. Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and men.” When your child has grown to...

Don't Quit

Today from the moment I woke up I was reciting the "Don't Quit" poem I learned in 4th grade (I think that's the only thing I learned that year) over and over and over again in my head. Not only are Raymond, Caroline and I sick with strep throat...but the thought of having to teach without any help from the internet (printouts, games, videos, bible stories...the list goes on) was a bit overwhelming to me. I am a definite planner, I like everything to be ready for me so I don't really have to think about whats coming next. Here's the thing, I'm all about going with the flow, but there's gotta be some structure for me to function. So during our coffee time I bring up to Preston, "What am I even doing. Maybe we can find a cheap school. I don't even know if the kids are learning anything from me. We can't find the supplies we need and when we do they're way too expensive...I just don't know...are we hurting them or helping them?...

A Nicaraguan Christmas

This is the same post from our missionary blog at . If you've already read that, you don't have to also read this post. Thank you to all of you who keep up with us via our blogs. Okay, so here's what's been going on around our household for the past couple weeks...First of all the mother board went out on our computer so I'm not able to upload any pics at the moment. Our pastor let us borrow a computer, but it also hasn't worked since we brought it home :( Computers here seem to be very expensive and we can't really afford one right now, but trying to homeschool our children without internet, when all the programs we use are online, is really setting us back and frustrating me. Nevertheless, God has always provided for us so if we have to do school into the summer, then that's just what we're going to have to do. Right now in Nicaragua the Christmas season has officially started. It's quite weird to go into the mall in October and hear Chr...

School Days

Well the past 3 days have been pretty exciting as a teacher. I think I'm falling into the roll. I have to say, "I think", because my boys are constantly remining me how their "real" teachers did things...or "Mrs. Hiracheta says that" or "Mrs. Witt has that"...conversations often go like this, "Mom you know what my teacher said?" I say, "Yes, because I'm your teacher". "No, my real teacher at Sam Houston Elementary." I love that my children had such great teachers...I wonder if they will EVER think of me as one. My saving grace is Caroline...when she asks, "Mommy, have I ever been to school?" I answer, "Of coarse, you're in it right now." She gets all happy and excited about me being her teacher, and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Speaking of teaching I want to give a great big huge "Thank You" to Carisa from 1+1+1=1 and to my bestie Shayla (it helps that she's ...

Pitty Party and the Holiday debate

I'm so completely overwhelmed right now. There are some great sites that I use for this homeschooling fun but I don't even know where to begin. It's not only that though. Lately I have really been missing friends and family. When I asked a friend what they do here for Halloween and the response was, "Nada", I was a little sad for the kiddos. Look...I know Halloween is this big huge Christian debate, along with Christmas (Santa Clause and trees) and Easter (the Easter bunny) but I think children using their imaginations is fun and wise. I like the fact that they get to dress up and get excited for Christmas presents and can't wait for the Easter bunny to bring candy. I think it's my job to make sure that they also know Jesus was born and died for our sins, but why make them suffer while explaining this point? So they what...associate not getting to do fun stuff with Jesus (especially his birth and resurrection). Children are just that...children! ...

Yay for fall fun!

After school and lunch yesterday one of our good friends in Nicaragua stopped by the house with his son...I love when that happens. His son played with Raymond, Joe and Caroline while we sat on the porch and had a nice conversation with him. I had planned a time to go out and play in the neighborhood park because the children become wild maniacs in this house sometimes. I recently had been checking out blogs for a craft and found a great fall one for the kids...The kids were going to make a when our friends left we got a little basket and headed out to find our fall leaves. Caroline found a fake red flower (I know this isn't a fall leaf but she loved it) Looking for the leaves was a group effort Even Preston got a break during his busy day of taking people to Clinics, giving English lessons and going to meetings When we were done collecting the leaves we went home to start our first school craft...EVERYBODY was excited. First we traced and cut out our arm and hand...